Monday, June 21, 2010

Time to make time count!

It's time to make time count! As you can easily see from the dates of my previous posts, blogging has not been a timely venture for me. We'll see if anything is really changing as I attempt to become a more consistent contributor. One way I have protected myself from having to be disciplined with this tool is just not to make it public...that is, until now. There's no cover like no-one knowing you're there. Kinda like hiding in the bushes. Not a lot of risk when you're under the radar.

Another reason not to be public is if you have no contribution to make. I believe that I have something very significant to share in circles that might read me. The recent discovery of Life Coaching has been a huge addition to my life. This tool has been a boon for my life perhaps even terming it an awakening of sorts. What most of realize at some point in our pilgrimages is that we can only go so far with out outside help. We know we are assisted by parents and friends and even by some over the course of our lives that we'll never even be aware of their contributions. But there's more that's needed for us to become what we were designed to be.

Our loving Heavenly Father made man perfect except for one thing...we could not remain that way without complete dependence on Him as the only God in our lives. From that moment in the perfect environment (think Garden of Eden), that we dared to consider that we could make decisions independent and contrary to what He willed for us, that brief encounter with having our own way resulted with us being cast from that perfect place and having to live in a cursed world. Knowing beforehand our course of action, He provided a way back through giving Himself as a sacrifice that would cover our sins. In addition, He would come to live within us if we opened ourselves to Him.

That self affliction of wanting to direct our own lives apart from Him is never too far away. Even receiving His grace on a regular basis, we find ourselves dropping the ball, or more aptly, deciding to call our own plays, rather than letting Him. We not only can not live independent of Him, we can not live independent of one another. He designed us to live in community with others and to be open to their input and support. There are family and friends we may listen to and we will benefit if we do. Recently, Life Coaches have begun to provide an additional track of support as we strive to move forward.

Life Coaching enables the coachee to identify not only many areas in which they have been "stuck" but also surfaces new potential they have not been aware was there all along. The coach, through focused listening and asking powerful questions, assists the coachee in seeing their own plan of forward progress including appropriate action steps to move them in that preferred direction. The coach supports them as they move to follow through with their self selected action steps.

None of us naturally like advice. There's a implied "You're not quite good enough to figure this out by yourself." The truth is, we do need help. We can't see the forest for the trees. Our ruts deep in the forest feel safer than moving ahead into thick growth we can't see though. It's scary out there. BUT, there is freedom and fulfillment as we become "unstuck" and make progress. Plus, there are new experiences that we'll never see deep in our ruts.

I know for me, it's time to move on. I am being coached on a regular basis and it is enabling me to move forward. I find coaching others exciting as they climb out of stuck places and courageously take responsibility in new ways and become more of what our God has designed for them to be in this world. All of us could benefit from coaching. If you don't know a coach, contact me and I can connect you with a network that will allow to experience what coaching is like then you can decide for yourself.

You might also consider the Life/Faith Coach Academy in Beaumont, Texas, September 13 - 15, 2010, for training as a Life Coach yourself or to explore this avenue. Information is available at or by calling 409.898.8797.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Irreducible Minimums

Believers that find soundbites helpful ought to brand these three into their hearts and minds:
"Love God!"
"Love people!"
"Make disciples!"

Great! You've already spotted my blatant ripoff of Matthew 22:37-40 and 28:18-20. The "Great" verses. Great Commandment. Great Commission. Jesus summed up our primary issues as the need to become obsessively focused on our Lord, then having that love flow through us to others around us. Thirdly, (remember that the previous passage was the 'greatest' commandment and 'second greatest'), we are commanded to 'make disciples'. Being an order, it is not an option. We don't get to choose if we'll be involved in making disciples or not.

Without getting involved in the details or mechanics, do we even regularly think in these terms? Make them questions for yourself:
"Am I loving God?" (with all of my heart, soul and mind)
"Am I loving people?" (as I love myself)
"Am I making disciples?" (others who love God, love people, and are making disciples)

I have begun repeating these three phrases throughout the day as a mean of embedding them deeper in my heart and mind. I challenge you to do the same.
"Love God!"
"Love people!"
"Make disciples!"

"Lord, help me today to hear you when you address each of these issues in my life (or lack thereof). Bend my thoughts, words and habits to Your kingdom. I eagerly anticipate what You want to do with me. Bless Your name."

Friday, March 06, 2009


David was clearly a biblical character with a mixed portfolio. Despite the best of spiritual intentions, he still found time and means to drop the ball. Probably many remember his sins with Uriah and Bathsheba, which include lust, adultery, murder and attempts at cover up, as remember his devotion to God. However, years after his life had ended we hear the apostle Paul say about him in Acts 13:36, "...for after David had served his generation according to the will of God, he died and was buried, and his body decayed."

What a legacy! The summary statements about David's life, even with the "biggie" sins clearly identified, show a man who sought to live "according to the will of God" and was repentant over the times of disobedience. God didn't overlook his sins - there were consequences that affected David, his family and the nation. We see David accepting God's discipline and continuing as a vessel in His service. There would be limitations on the scope and breath of what might have been but God still used him.

What about me and you? Does God forgive and restore us following our spiritual fumbles? I believe that scripture teaches that the same Holy and Just, Sovereign God, works with us just as He did with David. As we repent and confess, "He is faithful to forgive and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." God has not changed since David's time. He WILL continue to use us if we earnestly seek to live according to His will. That's the key. Knowing and doing His will. The result will be that we also make a difference in our generation for His kingdom.

The nine most quoted words of Winston Churchill are "Never give up. Never give up. Never give up." God says, "And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up." Note that David did die. So will we if the Lord delays His return. There are only so many days to walk with and allow Him to use us. You have today if you're reading this. Today, love Him and love others.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Launch!

This is my first attempt to contribute in such an open venue as a blog. I tend to be a harvester of all the wisdom I read from others so wonder if I should even do this. However, it's apparent that lack of wisdom is not stopping me from enetring the world of a million folks making their regular inputs in this manner. I am aware that once my thoughts are published, it's too late to reclaim them. The clever thing about the online world is that it is self filtering - that is, in the words of Caey Stengel, "If they don't wanta come to the park, how're you gonna stop them?" Nobody will read them anyway.

My sense of life really boils down to several simple observations:

1. I'm here on purpose and for a purpose.
I believe that God created little old me and that that's a really big deal. My personal history, just like everyone else, is unique and has been superintended for each minute I have experienced. Certainly, with the liberty of free will, There are things I wish I had done differently but God has always been generous in His mercy and grace. I have been blessed in great amounts. Clarity in His design of myself has been slow in coming over the years. I am focusing more on the whats and whys of "me" these days trusting that will benefit others more effectively.

2. My life is really not about me.
Okay, Rick said it first! At least in print in a gazillion selling book. But boy did it resonate when Sherrye and I first read those first words a few years ago. It was like, "I know that", but as I reflected, I realized that life really was about me - my family, my ministry, my needs, my dreams, my frustrations, etc. It finally occurred to me that when it's all about Him, then it's His responsibility to carry the load. I'm trying more to not try (in my efforts) but trust (and obey)Him .

3. It's worth the trip so make the trip worthy.
There's no government bailout for time used poorly. Every day is a new adventure in attempting to major on the majors (vs. the minors). I trust that a new discipline of forging coherent thoughts to share with others will bear some fruit. I pray that you will also not work harder or smarter but more in step with the One who made you, Who is really in charge, and Whom we serve. Until next we blogtificate together...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006

Later in the day. Another look at the mechanics of this new toy.
Today is day one for a new and extremely rookish blogger. We'll have to learn how this all works. The possibilities for expanded communication is really neat. Just gotta make sure that it's worth anyone taking the time to read.